Monday, December 6, 2010

Rain and Snow

Date: 6 December 2010
Time: 3.20pm (time for a nap)
Weather: Rainy

I can't decide if I prefer rain or snow. Both makes me feel equally miserable as it is too darn cold to go outside. But if I have to choose, I'd prefer snow as at the very least I am somewhat drier.

I have been busy planning our Christmas Holidays. It is tough trying to balance having a good time vs a limited budget. Besides, i reckon we will be spending a bomb when the whole Chai gang descend in March... Rome, Brussels, London and Paris ain't gonna come cheap!

So we have finally decided that we will go to Nuremberg, Munich, Vienna, Bratislava, Salzburg and Innsbruck. Afterall, spending Christmas singing My Favourite Thing a-la von Trapp family seems apt.. So we will leave on 18 December and return 9 days later and spend New Year sipping Vin Chaud (Warm Wine) and watching The Sound of Music...

In case i forget here's the recipe for Warm Wine:
- A bottle of full bodied red wine (get the cheap one)
- Spices (Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg Powder, Cardammon, Orange Peel etc)
- Honey

Heat the red wine up (simmering but not boiling), add spices and honey to taste.. then serve warm - duh!