Monday, December 6, 2010

Rain and Snow

Date: 6 December 2010
Time: 3.20pm (time for a nap)
Weather: Rainy

I can't decide if I prefer rain or snow. Both makes me feel equally miserable as it is too darn cold to go outside. But if I have to choose, I'd prefer snow as at the very least I am somewhat drier.

I have been busy planning our Christmas Holidays. It is tough trying to balance having a good time vs a limited budget. Besides, i reckon we will be spending a bomb when the whole Chai gang descend in March... Rome, Brussels, London and Paris ain't gonna come cheap!

So we have finally decided that we will go to Nuremberg, Munich, Vienna, Bratislava, Salzburg and Innsbruck. Afterall, spending Christmas singing My Favourite Thing a-la von Trapp family seems apt.. So we will leave on 18 December and return 9 days later and spend New Year sipping Vin Chaud (Warm Wine) and watching The Sound of Music...

In case i forget here's the recipe for Warm Wine:
- A bottle of full bodied red wine (get the cheap one)
- Spices (Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg Powder, Cardammon, Orange Peel etc)
- Honey

Heat the red wine up (simmering but not boiling), add spices and honey to taste.. then serve warm - duh!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I love my food!

27 April 2010 - Tuesday

2. I've cooked like I've never cooked before..
I love food and hate exercising. A bad combo.. by normal calculations, I should have weigh 85kg and have problem getting out of bed most mornings and chomp down 6 meals a day.

In the past 1 month, Jem have been making pizzas and trying his hand on RABBIT Paella (which didn't turn out soo well.. so i guess the rabbit died for nothing. I have been making Thai Fish Cake (I found fish paste in Ly Thanh! God I love that shop) and it was pretty easy to make except for the fact that my fish cake is not as read as those you find in Thai Restaurant! Jem says I should add Tomato Paste.. but I am doubtful

I also made Thunder Tea Rice.. to the uninitiated, this is a very traditional Hakka Meal consists solely on vegetables and normally consumed on the 7th day of Lunar New Year. It is very easy make but preparations are super tedious!

So I called y grandma and told her what I was cooking and ask for cooking tips... SHE LAUGHED AT ME! "Hahahahah... what kinda Thunder Tea Rice are you making?!?!?!?!" That hurts... :)

So here are some of the dishes I have been cooking.. everyone who has done a webcam commented on how fat I look now.. damn it...

- The Chilli Crab Sauce that we bought from Singapore is awesome! Frederica Chilli Crab Sauce - well worth the effort of lugging it back!

- So the husband missed CNY and here is our home made yee sang! Of course we had TONS of salmon...

- This is the traditional Hakka Rice, there is a pretty decent version at the foodcourt in Vivocity!

Monday, April 26, 2010

I am back!!!!!

26 April - Monday - 10.57am

I have been lazy. I mentioned in my very first post that I will stop blogging every now and then as I do have a lot more important things to do.... like farming. Now that I run 3 farms... It takes up all my blogging time!

Anyway, I am back for today and there are loads to catch up on.

1 - Je suis etudiante francais...
I am now a French student. I go to school Mon - Friday from 3pm - 6pm. My first lesson is all about answering questions like "What is your name? What is your family name? When are you born? Where do you come from? etc etc etc"

Then we start with the basis "Qu'est-ce que cest?" (Pronounced as: Kas Ke Say = what is this?)

Right after that my brain starts crumbling... a gender is assigned to every bloody noun imaginable... Pencil, Pen, Book, Bench, Ceiling, Floor are all MALE while Table, Chair, Tie, Watch, Clock are all FEMALE!

How am I supposed to remember the gender to every bloody noun?

Then we move on to body parts.... head, ears, cheeks, mount, shoulders, chest, waist, hand, leg, ankle are all FEMALE while eyes, elbow, arm, fingers, knee etc are all MALE! Double bloody hell...

Our professor is very very smart.. it is almost he memorised what we are bad in and kept drilling each and everyone of us on our weakness. My Achilles heel is the FRENCH ALPHABETS... G is pronounced as J... and J is pronounced as G.... R is the R with spitting sound... and H is pronounced as USH... K is Ka...

Don't believe me? Check this website out..

Tomorrow I will post on my cooking adventures! Very exciting as I tried several new recipes that was pretty good...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The cavalry came calling!

27 March 2010 - Drizzling

So we were watching The Tudors in bed - it is a very good series! And we heard "BOOM" "BOOM" "BOOM". Since it sounds like canon being fired and we are the "kaypo" on the block, we decided to get off our butt and follow the sound and we saw this!

It was really cool and Morges has never seen soo much action! After an afternoon (more like 15 minutes) of excitement, we FINALLY went to the Military Museum for free. I say finally because it is the ONLY tourist attraction in Morges and we have never been there as the admission fees is CHF 10 per person! Yes, we are cheapo...

Jem: This is why no man should marry...

And since Jeremy brought along his camera that afternoon, obviously you'd have expect a photo of this duckie..

As inspired by Sue - let's play SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!


Jem: "Hey - this looks like my graduation gown!"


Jem: "Oh my god.. another of my gown!"


Jem at 6 years old... awwwwwwwwww

Down the rabbit hole....

27 March 2010 - Drizzling

The husband and I decided to take a stroll at the farmers' market in Lausanne. Yes, we have a very boring life and what makes it exciting it doing the weekly marketing at another town... gosh, that sounds sad.

The farmers' market as always is a parade of the freshest produce from around the area. From fresh milk (if only they brought in the cow to be milked) and fresh vegetables, you can find all the available types of leaves for your salad. Jeremy (self pronounced master chef) have decided that he will attempt to make Paella.. one of my favourite dish since coming to Switzerland. To make it more "exciting" he will make RABBIT PAELLA!!!!! :)

Rabbit (aka lapin in french) cost CHF 27.00 per kg. We bought half a rabbit which cost CHF 14.00. We are sure it will taste like chicken.. plus if the paella turn out all wrong and nasty, he can always blame it on the rabbit...

After spending a lot of time walking (I need the exercise), we treat ourselves to some sumptiuos crepes. I had the crepes with spinach, ham and cheese while Jeremy satisfy his sweet tooth by digging into crepe with peaches, vanilla ice cream and loads of whip cream!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

House Husband

The husband is "working" from home today. Which means - i can't lie in bed till 10, have my cereal breakfast and potter round the house, not showering till 4pm. I also can't turn on the music to a deafening volume, farm every 4 hours and eat whatever leftovers for lunch.

It also means I need to get off my butt, make him breakfast (he has requested for eggs benedict - YUCKS! and coffee) Hhmnnn....... demanding indeed! Looks like it is gonna be a looong day for me!

The hard life.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

The husband have decided that we will visit Rome over the Good Friday / Easter weekend. His rationale is simple: If we were to visit one of the most significant religious monument during a significant religious festival, we are excused from Church for 1 year!

Hahaha... er.. ok love. Whatever you say

And so, we are going to Rome. I will spend the next few days researching on where to go, what to eat and where to stay.. so if you have ideas, recommendations and suggestions - please send them my way.

I don't think I have a lot of time researching as I am deeply engrossed in this book which I am currently reading... "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"


Sistine Chapel - Here we come!