Sunday, March 28, 2010

The cavalry came calling!

27 March 2010 - Drizzling

So we were watching The Tudors in bed - it is a very good series! And we heard "BOOM" "BOOM" "BOOM". Since it sounds like canon being fired and we are the "kaypo" on the block, we decided to get off our butt and follow the sound and we saw this!

It was really cool and Morges has never seen soo much action! After an afternoon (more like 15 minutes) of excitement, we FINALLY went to the Military Museum for free. I say finally because it is the ONLY tourist attraction in Morges and we have never been there as the admission fees is CHF 10 per person! Yes, we are cheapo...

Jem: This is why no man should marry...

And since Jeremy brought along his camera that afternoon, obviously you'd have expect a photo of this duckie..

As inspired by Sue - let's play SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!


Jem: "Hey - this looks like my graduation gown!"


Jem: "Oh my god.. another of my gown!"


Jem at 6 years old... awwwwwwwwww

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