Sunday, March 28, 2010

The cavalry came calling!

27 March 2010 - Drizzling

So we were watching The Tudors in bed - it is a very good series! And we heard "BOOM" "BOOM" "BOOM". Since it sounds like canon being fired and we are the "kaypo" on the block, we decided to get off our butt and follow the sound and we saw this!

It was really cool and Morges has never seen soo much action! After an afternoon (more like 15 minutes) of excitement, we FINALLY went to the Military Museum for free. I say finally because it is the ONLY tourist attraction in Morges and we have never been there as the admission fees is CHF 10 per person! Yes, we are cheapo...

Jem: This is why no man should marry...

And since Jeremy brought along his camera that afternoon, obviously you'd have expect a photo of this duckie..

As inspired by Sue - let's play SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!


Jem: "Hey - this looks like my graduation gown!"


Jem: "Oh my god.. another of my gown!"


Jem at 6 years old... awwwwwwwwww

Down the rabbit hole....

27 March 2010 - Drizzling

The husband and I decided to take a stroll at the farmers' market in Lausanne. Yes, we have a very boring life and what makes it exciting it doing the weekly marketing at another town... gosh, that sounds sad.

The farmers' market as always is a parade of the freshest produce from around the area. From fresh milk (if only they brought in the cow to be milked) and fresh vegetables, you can find all the available types of leaves for your salad. Jeremy (self pronounced master chef) have decided that he will attempt to make Paella.. one of my favourite dish since coming to Switzerland. To make it more "exciting" he will make RABBIT PAELLA!!!!! :)

Rabbit (aka lapin in french) cost CHF 27.00 per kg. We bought half a rabbit which cost CHF 14.00. We are sure it will taste like chicken.. plus if the paella turn out all wrong and nasty, he can always blame it on the rabbit...

After spending a lot of time walking (I need the exercise), we treat ourselves to some sumptiuos crepes. I had the crepes with spinach, ham and cheese while Jeremy satisfy his sweet tooth by digging into crepe with peaches, vanilla ice cream and loads of whip cream!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

House Husband

The husband is "working" from home today. Which means - i can't lie in bed till 10, have my cereal breakfast and potter round the house, not showering till 4pm. I also can't turn on the music to a deafening volume, farm every 4 hours and eat whatever leftovers for lunch.

It also means I need to get off my butt, make him breakfast (he has requested for eggs benedict - YUCKS! and coffee) Hhmnnn....... demanding indeed! Looks like it is gonna be a looong day for me!

The hard life.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

The husband have decided that we will visit Rome over the Good Friday / Easter weekend. His rationale is simple: If we were to visit one of the most significant religious monument during a significant religious festival, we are excused from Church for 1 year!

Hahaha... er.. ok love. Whatever you say

And so, we are going to Rome. I will spend the next few days researching on where to go, what to eat and where to stay.. so if you have ideas, recommendations and suggestions - please send them my way.

I don't think I have a lot of time researching as I am deeply engrossed in this book which I am currently reading... "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"


Sistine Chapel - Here we come!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mama Mia!

20 March 2010 - Cloudy

Since I have been spending the last few days unpacking boxes and reorganising the house (obviously), I have decided that we will take a walk through the farmers market just to get outdoors and get some fresh air. Stalls are beginning to sell strawberries and more stalls are being set up to sell 2nd hand items (from their New Year spring cleaning do no doubt). We reach the end of the street within 10 minutes and Jem made this remark "My god... Emirates Palace is bigger that the main street of Morges!"

The hard life....

Since there are no more room service, automatic top up of mini bar, we have to slave our the stove.. and Jeremy stepped up to the plate by offering (for the 50th time this week) to make pizza for lunch.

Here is the master at work...

He is pretty good with his hands!

Tomato paste with basil - yumms

My favourite... good ol' Hawaiian pizza

The last remaining piece!

It was actually very good pizza and I am mighty impressed with the husband for learning!! Next on the menu - breakfast in bed..

Bollywood Night

Friday - 19 March

We decided to go Indian tonight. Jeremy have declared himself as the KING OF FLOUR (after he CLAIMED that he can now make the yummiest pizza in the world) and was fairly determined that he can make any type of bread - hence NAAN. I then decide to make my version of butter chicken and dhal.

My dhal is to die for - Indians would be crying and kissing my feet if they tasted it. And since I hardly praise my own food, you gotta trust me on this one. It is also the easiest dish I have ever made! So here is the recipe....


Split Mug Beans (a small bowl)
Vegetable Cube or Broth
Onions (diced)
Chopped Garlic
1 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
1 Tbsp Butter / Margarine / Oil
Dash of Chilli Flakes

Stir Fry Onions and Garlic in Oil / Margarine / Butter
Add in turmeric powder and dash of chilli flakes
Fry for a few minutes & add in beans
Add water / broth / vegetable cubes
Boil for 45 minutes stirring constantly till beans are soft

I went to my favourite "always-dependable-and-always-there" Vietnamese supermarket and bought a pack of frozen prata JUST IN CASE the naan turns out to be anything less than satisfying... but to my surprise the naan turned out pretty good! Now Jeremy is very very smug and have offered to make pizza for me tomorrow... hhmnnnn

We had Garlic Naan, Herbs Naan, Black Pepper Naan and Plain Naan!

My version of butter chicken...

Heavenly Bliss

After 4 days of heavenly bliss – we went back to our hard life in Morges…

Jeremy and I were in Abu Dhabi courtesy of Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority who were kind enough (and rich enough) to put us up at Emirates ohh-la-la Palace Hotel. We were spoilt rotten in the hotel and feel right at home with the room service, turn down service, turn up service, turn left service, chocolates delivery before bed time, water delivery before bed time and browsing through the pillow menu!

You name it – they have got it. Hard, soft, firm, down feather, gold feather, chicken feather, goose feather, coconut husk, Japanese bean husk, slimming pillow, relaxing pillow, hard as nail pillow… the list goes on. Ok – I made most of it up BUT they did have a pillow menu.

They also have some fancy-smancy-touch-screen-gizmo that controls just about everything in the room except the temperature of the mini fridge.

So it was a sad day when Jeremy and I had to pack our bags and leave.. so we decide to make ease our sadness by bringing back a piece of Emirates Palace.. 3 boxes of chocolates (we might get hungry), 2 bottles of water (we might get thirsty), laundry bag (we have dirty clothes), shower gel (we might want to shower on the plane) and little what nots… shame that we couldn’t fit the 56” plasma TV in our suitcase. That would have made us feel a whole lot better!

A picture of Heaven at night...Looks grainy? It's cos my smarty pants hubby brought his fantastic camera but left the batteries behind.. so all the pics are taken with camera phone

A little bit of sunshine and POOL before we head back to dreary weather. I swam a total of FOUR x 20m laps.. hahaha enough for the year!

Fancy smanzy gadget...

What Heaven looks like...

Real food.... for Jem!