Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thank GOD for.......

26 November - Cloudy

The Husband & I love our food. We will experiment and sometimes it will turn out well, sometimes it will all go horribly wrong.

The husband and I decided that we would celebrate our very first thanksgiving in Switzerland. The Swiss do not celebrate Thanksgiving, but Becky and a few of Jem's colleague does - so we decided to follow suit.

Menu: Pumpkin soup, Roast Chicken and Mashed Potatoes.. I don't have a blender so the soup is more puree like but I do like it! Thanks to Amy for her recipe!

Me pigging out....

Here's a list of things we are thankful for...
- a DAMN GOOD marriage
- the nice, cold weather (Jem)
- the internet
- Facebook more specifically Farmville (Joyce)
- Singaporeans & Malaysians in Lausanne
- yummy sauces from home

and the list goes on....


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