Monday, November 23, 2009

What a day...

Jem and I went house hunting tonight.. we saw a total of TWO units and 1 was in a bad shape and another unit is being rented out because the previous tenant was killed in a car crash!

I am telling you - it just seems eerie that the building "superintendent" would tell us that. Why would we want to rent the unit after hearing that?!?!

Finding a place here is a strange experience. In Singapore, you call up a few agent, tell them your requirements and they do the work. They will find a few places for you to visit and you decide.

Here - it is different:
1 - We have to search the Internet and make our own appointments to visit the place directly. Most of the time, it would be direct with the current tenant or the superintendent or "Concierge" as they call it here.

2 - We view the place and if we are interested, we will need to go to the real estate agency responsible for the unit, fill up and application form and wait for them to pick you out of all the applications!

3 - If we decide not to take the place once we were selected, there is a cash penalty of CHF 100.00 (in some cases)!

4 - to improve your chances, apart from submitting all the usual forms, we need to write a letter to introduce ourselves and if at all possible, a recommendation letter from the current tenant!


We don't think we will take any of the unit we saw tonight. So we went home dejected and looking forward to dinner of Kung Pao Chicken & Lettuce in Oyster Sauce. :)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can start your own real estate agency with Singapore style service~ Glad to hear that you are doing good. Happy birthday tomorrow! May many babies come after that! Wahahahaha!

    (I'm writing from the hospital now as I just had my spine operated. Herniated disc removal. Ouch!)
