Thursday, December 24, 2009

All we want for Christmas is - PRESENTS!

24 December - CHRISTMAS EVE

Christmas is one of our favourite holiday every year. For me - mainly due to presents. I am honest.... I get extremely excited when I buy someone a fantastic gift or when I received one.

Yes, I know Christmas is the time to cherish your loved ones, make peace with the past, spending time with family & friends etc etc but like most people I know, Jeremy and I spend time a lot of time with our family (before we move to S'land). We have dinner, talk on the phone, chat on msn, web cam chat etc so Christmas is like any other day.

The 2 things that sets Christmas apart from other "normal" days are the FOOD we eat and the PRESENTS! Jem and I decided that we will be opening our stash of presents tomorrow!

My present to Jem are wrap.. his to me are in plastic bags with scotch tape! The Olive Green present came all the way from Singapore!

We decided on a somewhat more traditional dinner tonight... as ALL the shops will be closed tomorrow, today was a major grocery day for us :)

Oooh la la....

Rocket Leaves salad with Mango and Balsamic Vinegar Dressing

"just-right" heated Escargot with sinful herb butter

Heavenly pieces of Ham top with Lingonberry and Brown Sauce and Pâté en Croûte

We had a nice quiet Christmas eve dinner.. each lost in thoughts wondering... What are in those nicely wrapped up boxes?!?!

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