Thursday, December 3, 2009

Model Runner

3 December - 1 degree celcius - Partly Sunny

After 2 conference calls and a VERY VERY late breakfast - I decided to get off my butt and RALK (RUN + WALK).. It was a much better session today as I didn't keep stopping like yesterday. Although I suspect it was because of the speed I was running @ 5kmph...

I should be so proud I went running but instead all I could think about is... 1001 Excuses Not to Run Part II. Excerpts include:
- My beanie is being washed
- I can't find my scarf
- Weather forecast that it might snow today
- My fingers tend to turn blue
- Today is laundry day
- I can't breathe in the cold etc etc etc

As I was taking in the scenery and felt my nose turning into icicle, I saw this girl running towards me - in her fiery red long sleeve top and white tight yoga pants, hair pulled back in a very stylish manner and MAKE UP! Did I miss the memo on runners' dress code or is she just showing off?

I saw an old man staring at her blatantly and even as I run past him - he didn't once turn and look at me! What a boost for my self-esteem! To put this in pictures:


No wonder the old man didn't once turn to look at me... bahhhhh

Since our blog must have food photo in it - dinner consist off Stir Fry Beef with Ginger and Spring Onion and Mapo Taufu!

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