Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Toes

21 December - Wet and cold

The best advice I have ever received from a friend is this:

"It is all about the layering (of clothes) and make sure it (shoes) has Goretex"

Goretex? What the hell is that? It sounds like a crossover between a Porn Movie and Friday the 13th. Amy can almost qualify as the smartest friend I have sans a PhD and that is exactly what I did before coming over to Switzerland.

So I ask Jem and since he is the guru all of things material (or so he claims)... he went all smarty pants at me..

"Of course I know what is Goretex... I have vast knowledge, you know. Goretex is expanded polytetrafluoroethylenethylenetylenethylenethylene * blah * blah * blah *"

After googling (I am self proclaimed Queen of Google), Goretex is the most amazing material every created! It is breathable, waterproof and windproof! You cannot imagine how important all those elements are in the winter.

So off I went in search of good walking shoes with Goretex and VOILA! TIMBERLAND has them... So time to ring up another friend who can get me AMAZING AMAZING discount and bought 2 pairs (1 for me and 1 for Mr Smarty Pants)!

We have trekked through snow piles, slippery & dirty icy slush along the road in chilly wind and we are so happy that our toes stay nice, warm and cosy :)

Happy Toes = Happy People

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