Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Switzerland's PUB

15 December - -2 degrees

I stay put at home today - cos it is just too cold to go outside. Hence, I stayed at home and clean the toilet (told you I am like a maid).. The water is Switzerland is fairly hard (ie the water contains a lot of dissolved minerals (like Calcium and Magnesium). It is perfectly safe to drink - in fact, in one test by a magazine, the tap water in Switzerland is much cleaner than bottled water and about 500 times cheaper.

Hard water does have its downside. It leaves a lot of residue in your kitchen appliances (like pots and water kettles), scums in your sink and bath tubs, clothes comes out "harder" and hair sometimes look lifeless.

So it did take a lot of energy and effort to clean the toilet today.. *phew*

As we are returning this place in about 6 weeks, everything needs to be spotless before we move out. So I thought I do a round of cleaning to make it easier for Jem to do the final round just before he moves.

Do you know that Switzerland uses a very different kinda powerpoint from Singapore? See, thank god Jem and I came here for a visit in July or else we will be soo ill-prepared.

The regular powerpoint used in Singapore, Malaysia and UK

Switzerland's wall socket

So what did we do?

1 - We brought our own extension cord (courtesy of Iskandar Johor Open)

2 - We wanted to take the easy way out and buy an adaptor (but the place we went to - didn't sell any!

3 - So the engineering-trained husband decided to take things into his own hands and we bought the plug from about CHF 1 from the supermarket and did a switcheroo... and the result.. TA-DAH!

It was a success! Now all our laptops, charges etc work perfectly fine.. of course, if I decide to go to a cafe to work, I need to lug the extension cord along... and look like a total idiot :)

Jem even swap the plug on the rice cooker as well..

Staying in Switzerland have made us more self-sufficient (mainly cos we are cheapos and really can't afford to spend more than we make...!) Not a bad thing at all

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