Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's all in my head....

17 December - My mind is numb.. guess the temperature is really low today!

I bought the swiss national lottery and won a whooping CHF 150,000! I am sooo excited! This is the first time I have ever won the lottery and just cannot believe my luck! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Not knowing how much the tax will be - I think Jem and I will actually put down payment for a neat 2 bedroom place in Switzerland and MAYBE buy another place in Singapore. This is soo exciting!

Now, we can ALMOST spend money without second thoughts... ooohhh Nespresso Coffee Machine.. come to mama! I don't drink coffee - I just like the IDEA of having a coffee machine.

I can change my whole wardrobe too! I will introduce funky colours and throw away some of my "dated" clothes (read: My Entire Wardrobe needs to be thrown away).. Jem will splurge on a new bike and maybe just maybe we can buy ourselves a car...

Oh wait.. we only won CHF 150,000 not CHF 1.5 million... damn... Oh well, I am sure we can buy all that with spare change and maybe I can hire some hot bod Brazilian to water my potted plants every few days!

*dreamy faraway look*

*snap* Shame we didn't win the lottery....

This is how bored I am - I had NOTHING to blog about today and resorted to making up stories :) Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.. oh and my Brazilian toy boy is called Luis Carlos Ronaldo...

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